how to build the perfect parent first-aid kit #beingfibromom #fibroparenting #firstaidkit

How to Build the Perfect Parent First-Aid Kit

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Accidents happen, and people get hurt, it’s unpreventable. Being a parent and having the right supplies on-hand can really make a difference. A fully loaded first aid kit is always recommended to have in the car. A little preparation can go a long way to make sure that you and your family will enjoy all your adventures to come. Here are some tips on how to build the perfect parent first-aid kit.

how to build the perfect parent first-aid kit #beingfibromom #fibroparenting #firstaidkit
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How to Build the Perfect Parent First-Aid Kit

Pre-made first aid kits are a great start. With little kids, consider adding and stocking these additional items like socks and underwear so you’re prepared for any situation.

1.Ibuprofen and Tylenol

Generic first aid kits will have these medications. However, if you’re preparing this kit to treat little kids, you’ll have to buy the child-friendly liquid version.

2. Spray

Dusk comes with some nasty bugs. Playing by the park or camping around this time will most likely result in a few annoying bites. While most of these bites aren’t harmful, children tend to scratch the wounds and open them up for infection. Keeping bug spray around as a preventative measure will avoid this situation entirely. Another thing to consider, bug spray isn’t very gentle.

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NOTE: There are health concerns that come with using brands that are made a powerful chemical called DEET. Different repellents come with different levels of DEET. Make sure to do your research around the chemical and choose the safest brands for your children. Always make an informed decision when buying these kinds of products.


The sun is tricky, it can hide all day behind the clouds and still burn you. While sunscreen should be applied every day, having an extra bottle or two on hand is a good idea for those extra active days. It’s recommended to buy sunscreen that is 30 SPF and higher for solid protection. Don’t forget to reapply! Hot sunny days will require an extra layer or two throughout the day to prevent burns.

4.Baby wipes

All of your supplies don’t need to be emergency based: having a solid pack of baby wipes in your kit will be a lifesaver. Food, sand, dirt, and mud are no match for a parent armed with a few disinfectant wipes. Save the hassle and your leather seats too.

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This soothing lotion is great for burns and skin irritation, completely plant-based too. It’s instant relief from long days in the sun and may help improve sun damage faster in case you forget to reapply sunscreen.


This one is for you mom and dad. Parenting is a tough job and sometimes there’s bumps and bruises to show for it. From major sprains to minor stiffness this will soothe your pain and heal your bruises. Take oral tablets for headaches or various types of general pain, and topical arnica for bruises.

7.Bandages and gauze

High energy nature mixed with playful tendencies creates an environment where things can go wrong. Make sure to pack plenty of bandages and gauze that will come in handy for minor cuts and major falls.


It’s always a good idea to have water to treat dehydration and clean out wounds—especially on road trips.

9.Alcohol Wipes

Use these to clean the wound before dressing it with bandages. This will help avoid infection. They can also be used to clean the tools in your kit.

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Tweezers are a lifesaver for a lot of reasons. Running around in bare feet means glass, splinters, and bee stings. Pull them out right away, rather than risk it is digging deeper in the skin. Having tweezers on the go will help solve the problem, and the pain—in no time.


This is a great medication to have in case of allergic reactions from food, insect bites, and topical creams. Make sure it’s kid-friendly. It can help reduce annoying swelling and itching from bee stings and mosquitos, so the wound can heal. Also, food allergies are unpredictable and are necessary for certain situations. If a food allergy does occur, seek immediate attention.

12.Hand sanitizer

You should always clean your hands before attempting to clean someone else’s wound. Hand sanitizer is a quick and easy fix for emergencies.

With these essential items you’ll be ready to take on whatever life throws your way.

Author, Holly Tomlinson

Holly is a Los Angeles-based health and wellness writer looking to help readers make positive changes both physically and mentally. Her insightful content about healthy living, delicious recipes, and mental acuity is made for every type of reader. Years of experience as a wellness guru and numerous dietitian courses have given Holly valuable insights and strategies that she can use to help boost the accuracy and relevance of your health-related blog.

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