Top Tips For Taking Care Of Your Family When You Have Fibromyalgia

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No amount of pain or exhaustion is going to stand in your way of keeping loved ones healthy and happy. However, it’s vital that you appreciate the challenges that fibromyalgia will bring. After all, this is the first step to taking control of those various situations. Here are just four simple tricks that will help you on your way to taking care of your family when you have fibromyalgia.

Top Tips For Taking Care Of Your Family When You Have Fibromyalgia #fibroparenting #beingfibromom
created by Brandi Clevinger using the image from © jackfrog at
tips for taking care of your family when you have #fibromyalgia #fibroparenting Share on X


Tips for Taking Care of Your Family When You Have Fibromyalgia

#1. Take Care Of Yourself

 While it’s only natural that the kids are your priority, it’s vital that you learn to put yourself first from time to time. Sadly, if you’re suffering from health issues, fibro-related or otherwise, it will impact your ability to help your loved ones.

Even when you have developed a number of methods to cope with those problems, it’s vital that you gain expert support. Beating the anxiety surrounding doctor appointments is a challenge in itself. Nonetheless, getting through this will give you the best chance of getting back to your best in the fastest possible time.   

In turn, this will enable you to keep taking care of the family with far greater authority.

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#2. Be Honest

Honesty is always the best policy, even when it feels difficult to open up. Apart from being beneficial for those around you, it prevents the emotional issues that stem from bottling things inside. This in itself is of major significance.

Telling kids about your health conditions and how it may impact your energy levels can be a difficult thing, but it’s only fair for them to have that info. Besides, it needn’t be a conversation that scares them. If you remain positive and reassure them that it isn’t dangerous, things should be OK.

The support of a loving partner can be very beneficial at this time too.



#3. Accept Support

Taking care of the family is often too much work for one person, fibro sufferer or not. Juggling parenthood with a career and daily tasks is never easy. The support of a child minder at certain periods in the week may be the only way to stay organized.

It can become even more testing when you have elderly parents that need support. Choosing the right home care services can be the best outcome for your parents. It’ll also allow you to stay in control of your various challenges. This won’t stop you seeing them and doing your part, it simply removes some of the stress.

We all need a helping hand from time to time. Being ready to take it can make a huge difference.

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#4. Make It Work

Discomfort and fatigue will pose challenges. But a little creative thinking will help you find a way around those issues to provide your kids with the love and attention that they deserve. Ultimately, that’s far more important than any single activity.

Great home-based activities include reading books, watching films, and generally spending time together. When you do have bouts of energy, cooking with the kids or playing in the garden can be equally rewarding.   

The most important thing is that the kids feel loved. This will keep them happy, which should keep the smile on your face too. You got this!


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Top Tips For Taking Care Of Your Family When You Have Fibromyalgia #fibroparenting #beingfibromom
created by Brandi Clevinger using the image from © jackfrog at


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