Fibromyalgia Symptoms

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Fibromyalgia affects the entire body from head to toe and manifests in various ways. These manifestations range from something simple such as a headache to more complex issues like sensory sensitivities.  And the never-ending question seems to be, “What are the fibromyalgia symptoms?” There is no confirmed list, but here is a place to start with fibromyalgia symptoms.

There is a myriad of fibromyalgia symptoms and various co-morbidities. #fibromyalgia #fibromyalgiasymptoms Share on X

What are the fibromyalgia symptoms?

There are many symptoms of fibromyalgia, and these symptoms can vary from person to person. Some of the main symptoms experienced by a majority of people living with fibromyalgia are listed here (but these are not all).

lasting muscle pain and/or muscle spasms

stiffness upon waking or staying in one position too long

chronic pain and tenderness

difficulty remembering or concentrating, known as ‘fibro fog’

abdominal pain including IBS, bloating, nausea, leaky gut syndrome

frequent headaches

jaw/facial tenderness

sensory sensitivities

anxiety or depression

numbness or tingling in the extremities such as the feet, hands

increase in urinary frequency

muscle knots

reduced tolerance for exercise and increased muscle pain after exercise

swelling in hands and feet without actual swelling

fatigue and sleep disturbance

In other words, we feel muscle pain all over, can’t sleep, are exhausted much of the day, are irritable, have frequent headaches, and spend most days with some type of stomach issue. When one or more symptoms feel more intense or frequent, it’s called a flare. Read more about fibromyalgia flares.

Are there ways to relieve the symptoms?

There is no ‘cure’ for fibromyalgia, but there are various ways to alleviate the symptoms and make the pain much more manageable.

fibromyalgia treatment options #fibromyalgia #fibromyalgiatreatments #chronicillness #beingfibromom

How Do You Talk to Others About Fibromyalgia?

If you have made the decision to tell others about your illness, you may feel confused as to what to say or how to say it. You may not know how to tell the other person how they can help you, and be supportive in a way that is not pitiful, guilt-ridden, less than, or upsetting. Here’s how to tell others, how much to tell others, and how others can help in this Fibromyalgia Magazine article, Fibromyalgia and Relationships Part Two: Effectively Communicating Your Illness.

What Your Kids Should Know

No matter how young they are, it’s important for your kids to know about your illness, especially how they can help you with it, too. Here is what your kids need to know about your fibromyalgia and how they can help.

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