There are various ways to manage chronic pain due to fibromyalgia. One of the easiest ways is to use a pain cream. It’s good to have various pain management options, so let’s look at the best topical creams for fibromyalgia.
Topical creams are one of a few ways to manage fibromyalgia symptoms. A benefit to this is having additional options for chronic pain in case you run out of one of the other creams/medications. It’s also beneficial to have an option to use when other options aren’t enough to help with the pain and other symptoms. I have personally used each of the following topical creams for chronic pain and recommend each of them.
Topical Creams I Use
These are the topical creams I have purchased and used for the last several years. I am not a brand partner with any of the companies that offer the following products; however, I have Topricin Fibro Cream listed in my Amazon store along with other products I use and recommend.
Topricin Fibro Cream
Topricin is a company that focuses on developing natural pain relief products. It extended its line to include a product for managing various symptoms associated with fibromyalgia and neuropathy. This homeopathic cream is made up of 11 biomedicines formulated to target specific pains. The biomedicines in Fibro Cream make it a safe, hypoallergenic option for managing chronic pain, neuropathy, and fibromyalgia issues. It contains no chemicals or irritants and is completely odorless. Read the full review here.

Cool Azul
Cool Azul is a cooling cream that provides relief from tensed and achy muscles and joints. It has Cool Azul essential blend and Wintergreen essential oil to help with deep muscle pain while giving it a cooling effect. This is a great natural way to relieve targeted painful areas.

Pain Relief Rub
Sorensen’s Natural Remedies Pain Relieving Rub is ideal for inflammation, tendonitis, overused muscles, and neurological pain. Its ingredients include Arnica-infused coconut oil, shea butter, various essential oils, and a few other natural ingredients. The full list of ingredients can be found on the product’s page. It comes in a convenient-to-use bottle (similar to a deodorant bottle) and is easy to apply. Remove the cap and lightly apply it to the affected area. The product can be reapplied every three to four hours up to six times in 24 hours. Read more about it here.

Other Topical Creams for Fibromyalgia
Whenever I post about a new cream on social media, I get comments about other creams that are effective for fibromyalgia symptoms or chronic pain. Here are some other topical creams for fibromyalgia (I have not used these and do not know firsthand their effectiveness).
Frida Botanicals Magnesium Cream
Frida Botanicals is a line of products crafted and created by Dr. Ginevra Liptan, founder of the Frida Center. Dr. Liptain is a doctor who specializes in fibromyalgia and lives with fibromyalgia, too. She started her line of products with CBD oil and has since moved on to other products.

The magnesium cream helps relax muscles by “replenishing local extracellular ionic magnesium stores”. As it’s name states, it provides ionic magnesium through topical application and is made with certified organic ingredients.
Biofreeze Pain Relief
The cooling effects of Biofreeze make it a preference for many chronic pain sufferers. It can be applied up to four times per day and can be applied before, during, or after physical activity. It’s a cream, gel, spray, roll-on, and patch. It is free of parabens, and propylene glycol and made with USP-grade ingredients.

Arnicare Pain Relief Cream
Arnica Cream is a homeopathic medicine that helps with muscle pain, stiffness, swelling, and discoloration from bruises. It’s paraben-free and contains the active ingredient Arnica, a natural pain-relieving plant.

Frida Botanicals Muscle Balm
This muscle balm has CBD (no THC) to soothe sore muscles and joints. It has 150 mg of CBD plus over ten plant extracts to relieve achy muscles. It also contains beeswax, peppermint, basil, Arnica, and other extracts.

Tiger Balm
This is a warming cream that has a strong concentration of Tiger Balm (an herbal ingredient used to soothe sore muscles).
WARNING: Do not use this product 30 minutes after taking a bath. It will burn. Be sure to thoroughly wash your hands after application.

Hi Brandi, I have found Actimas Celafen cream really good for Fibro also deep relief Ibuprofen based rub. Regards John.
I use tiger balm swear by it although wash hands with hot water & soap at least twice or you might get it in your eyes. Great to use before bed as it will make you sleep well too. Xxx
Thank you for the warning with the tiger balm! I’ll update the post to put that in there.