Top 5 You Should Know

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This time last year I did a five day series about the top 5 you should know of blogs, movies, books, social media sites, and reality TV shows. I called it “My 5&5 Series”. It was pretty successful. 

I updated each post in order to share them with you. Here are the top 5 you should know and my top five favorite ones in each category.


top 5 favorite things

Here are the top 5 you need to know:

  1. Social media sites to use
  2. Reality TV shows to watch
  3. Movies to see
  4. Blogs to follow
  5. Books to read

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4 thoughts on “Top 5 You Should Know”

  1. Great lists! Those are the social media sites I use to. Four of them for my blog and Facebook for personal use only. I love them all. I just started Instagram and I think it may be my favorite. Can you believe I still haven’t seen Rocky Horror Picture Show all the way through? I’m embarrassed to admit that :). I think it’s even on Netflix now!

    1. No, Candace, no!! Don’t tell me that about Rocky Horror Picture Show! haha It’s not for everyone, but it’s a cult classic. Instagram is my favorite social site, too, but now that I know had to work Twitter, that’s starting to be my favorite.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I think that’s awesome! Good luck! I’m in the mildde of doing a Whole30 challenge — which basically means for 30 days I eat only vegetables, fruit, meat, nuts and fats (avocado, coconut, ghee, etc.) No dairy, no sugar, no grains, no soy, no alcohol. It’s AMAZING actually — like with your juice cleanse, I think it’s mostly about ditching the grains and the sugar. (Not convinced I have an issue with dairy, but we’ll see.) I’ve noticed a real improvement in my mood and energy levels — not to mention my relationship with food feels normal for the first time in, well, ever. I think our diets impact so many parts of our health — things we don’t even realize are connected. I hate the flack I get about doing this plan though — people seem to think I’m eating too much meat, or too much fat (god forbid a FAT person EAT FAT!) Food is SUCH a personal issue and I honestly think the best thing to do is experiment as much as possible to find what works for you, and then DO THAT. Anyway, all that to say, yay! I hope you’ll keep us posted on how this works for you.

    1. Yes, I’ve heard of that challenge. My friend is doing it, and she has also noticed an improvement in her moods, pains, etc. Food IS a personal issue, but it’s a real issue. Thank you for your response!

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