You Have Fibro, Now What? Are There Others Like Me?

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There are millions diagnosed with fibromyalgia, but yet we constantly feel alone in our struggles. Our symptoms can be the same, but how we handle them is where the feeling of isolation begins. We constantly wonder, are there others like me?

Are there others like me? #fibromyalgia #chronicillness

Are there others struggling with #fibromyalgia symptoms such as #anxiety and #depression the way I am? #notalone #beingfibromom Share on X

Are there others like me?

Even before I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I constantly wondered if there were other moms experiencing the same pain. Playing with my kids at the park or running around the playground was out of the question. I was sad about so many things like, am I alone in this pain? Are there others like me?

Once I was diagnosed, I didn’t feel as alone in my pain, but I still wanted to talk with others like me. Exchange stories, gain support, among other things.

You are not alone in your feelings

I’m here to tell you, from experience, that you are NOT alone. There are others just like you struggling with the same pains, dilemmas, and other situations. You just have to reach out and connect with them.

You are NOT alone in your #pain. #fibromyalgia #chronicillness #notalone Share on X

Now I know reaching out and connecting with someone is the last thing we, as fibromyalgia fighters, want to do. It’s exhausting to talk with others let alone leave the house to socialize. But in today’s technology, we can connect and receive the support we need without leaving the bed.

We all struggle with fibromyalgia symptoms. Everyone pictured lives with fibromyalgia and all struggle.

Online Support Groups

For a list of support groups, visit:

Fibromyalgia Facebook groups

This group is for any parent or guardian looking for support while parenting with fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is an intrusive illness that can be complicated enough to care for without the added stress of parenting. There are so many others battling fibromyalgia and trying to be the best parent/guardian we can be. This is a positive, supportive group and I encourage any fibro parent (mom/dad/guardian/grandparent) to join.

fibro parenting facebook group #beingfibrommom #fibroparenting #fibromyalgia


Instagram is also a great way to connect with others with fibromyalgia. Search ‘#fibromyalgia’ or similar hashtags to connect.

Follow me on Instagram


Searching Twitter for fibromyalgia articles is the best way I find information and connect with others about fibromyalgia. Search ‘#fibromyalgia’ or similar hashtags to connect.

Follow me on Twitter


Pinterest is one of my favorite ways to find fibromyalgia articles and other fibromyalgia-related items. Follow me on Pinterest to connect with other fibromyalgia pinners.

5 thoughts on “You Have Fibro, Now What? Are There Others Like Me?”

  1. This is so useful! I don’t have Facebook, and I’ve found myself in the Land of Overwhelm each time I’ve tried to search for online support groups (admittedly because I’ve become distressed and so I’m flailing blindly!). Your ‘map’ gives much more practical guidance for accessing support, thankyou *smiles*

  2. Brandi- I was diagnosed last Spring, and the thing I most wish for is a friend or two that truly understands what I’m going through. I have joined a couple of online groups, but I would like to find somebody to talk to on the phone, or perhaps even meet for lunch when we are both feeling up to it. I’m a single mom, and I live in Greensboro, North Carolina, with no family within a ten hour drive. My boyfriend works a lot, and though sympathetic, he doesn’t really get it, either. I just think if I had some girlfriends who also had fibro, life would be much better. Any suggestions?

    1. It is comforting to have friends that can relate and understand the pain you’re going through. Search for local support groups in your area to connect with others experiencing the same pains and emotions. There are others looking to connect as well. I wish you the best of luck! God bless

  3. Pingback: You Have Fibromyalgia. Now What? Being Fibro Mom

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