You Have Fibromyalgia. Now What?

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A common question I am asked is, I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. What do I do now? How do I start managing my symptoms? It can be confusing on where to start after receiving a fibromyalgia diagnosis, so here’s a series answering the question, You have fibromyalgia; now what?

You Have Fibromyalgia. Now What? #beingfibromom #fibromyalgia

You have #fibromyalgia. Now, what should you do? Here's a comprehensive list of how to manage fibro symptoms so it's not confusing and overwhelming. #beingfibromom Share on X

You Have Fibromyalgia. Now What?

Receiving a diagnosis can be overwhelming and frustrating. Not only are you learning about the illness, but you also have to learn to heal from it and adjust your life to your new limits. It’s hard. Here are a few articles about managing fibromyalgia symptoms compiled into one place.

Treatment Options

There is no cure for fibromyalgia and not a way to manage symptoms with one treatment plan. Instead, a multidimensional approach is used to manage symptoms. Treatments include medications, natural remedies, physical therapy, and alternative treatments.

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What To Eat (And Not Eat)

When I use the phrase “The Fibro Diet” I am referring to the foods you should be eating for your meals and snacks in order to have a positive impact on your living with fibromyalgia. There are certain foods that will improve fibromyalgia symptoms and there are foods that will worsen the symptoms.

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Are There Others Like Me?

Even before I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I constantly wondered if there were other moms experiencing the same pain. Once I was diagnosed, I didn’t feel as alone in my pain, but I still wanted to talk with others like me. I’m here to tell you – from experience – that you are NOT alone.

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Fibromyalgia Resources

It’s important to know there are plenty of fibromyalgia resources at your fingertips.

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Keeping a Pain Journal

A pain journal can have multiple uses. It can be a journal that you write at the end of each day. It can also keep track of the pain and symptoms you are having. Most importantly, a pain journal will reflect your flares and what triggers those flares. The pain journal should not be confused with a medical notebook (more about it below).

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Getting the Sleep You Need

One of the most important parts of taming your body pains with fibromyalgia is getting the sleep you need. Not just more sleep, but more quality sleep. It’s also important to understand the sleep-wake cycle associated with fibromyalgia. This article has great tips for getting the sleep you need.

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Accepting Help From Others

One of the most daunting parts of fibromyalgia was accepting help from others. It’s difficult to swallow the fact that you cannot do it all on your own with fibromyalgia. The activities and tasks our bodies were once able to do, now takes time or assistance. Accepting help does not mean we are no longer independent. It does not mean we are weak or helpless. It means we understand our bodies’ limits, and we respect that limit by allowing others to help us.

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Why You Need a Medical Notebook

Many times we have questions and concerns arise when you are not in the doctor’s office. And if you’re like me, the questions/concerns fly right out of your head and are forgotten long before your appointment. A medical notebook helps you remember what it is that you wanted to discuss with your physician.

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Track Your Food

To avoid flares and ease your symptoms, eat the right kinds of foods and stay clear of the bad foods. Easier said than done, right? It is. The difficult part is finding the foods that trigger your flares. Each person is different, so finding those foods is essential. Keeping a food journal can help with finding those trigger foods.

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Supplements – Are They Safe?

Many of the symptoms of fibromyalgia can be linked to some sort of deficiency. In a scramble to find a way to relieve those painful body aches, we make a beeline for the vitamin section and load up on all the supplements we can find. But what is in those little pills that we think we so desperately need? Does any consumer know what’s really in them? Most likely, no, we don’t. With laws so loosely regulating supplements, if at all, how can we be sure to know the safe ones from the dangerous ones?

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