How your body can help the environment #beingfibromom

How Your Body Can Help The Environment

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Looking at the environment around you can mean something different for everyone. If you love the outdoors, it might be the local park you hit for a morning jog or to go fishing. If you’re a social butterfly, it might be the beach you hit with your friends on a weekly basis. Or if you’re stuck inside, it might be the four walls that keep you contained. But there’s still a whole green world out there, and even four walls mean you’re a part of it!

If you’re someone suffering from the effects of a chronic illness, it’s hard to stay positive about your body and what it can do. But it’s always good to hold onto the idea that your body is part of this world, and can do a lot to helping the natural elements around it, no matter what you’re capable of! So let’s turn body positivity into something that’s more suited towards you, especially when the going gets rough.

How your body can help the environment #beingfibromom
created by Brandi Clevinger using the image from © Beboy at
How your body can help the #environment with a #chronicillness. #goinggreen Share on X

How Your Body Can Help the Environment

Via Some Online Shopping

You might be stuck in your bed for the day, wishing you could get up and walk around without being in immense pain. But whilst you’re there, it’s good to remember that your self imposed and necessary public exile can actually go towards conserving resources. And we’re not just talking about your energy either! So pull out your laptop and do some retail therapy.

You don’t have to waste fuel on transportation, you don’t have to pay for a plastic bag that might just end up thrown away, and you don’t have to use the middleman of a shop front either. This helps to cut down any shipping times and the resources that could be wasted there, which saves employee energy as well, making their job a bit easier. All in all, it seems that online shopping is simply better for the world around us.

image from

Via Your Breathing

Which is completely natural and something we literally couldn’t live without doing. Think about the air you breathe; it’s kept cycling and healthy via the trees and plants around us? Well, the same goes for the carbon dioxide you breathe out. You’re feeding the natural world just by existing, and that can’t be taken away from you!

You can be constantly reminded of this is you get some houseplants to stick in all your rooms, and start growing produce like tomatoes on your kitchen windowsill. And hey, you can even opt for a green burial when the time comes, and help to keep the healthy cycle going. Learn more about their green burial services. We all want to be eco-friendly, and it’s a lot easier than a lot of people would have you believe!

This wasn’t a comprehensive list by any means; there’s so much more your body can do for the environment! It’s an integral part of the ecosystem we live in, so make sure you always keep that in mind during the darkest days. The world just wouldn’t be the same without you.

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