A few months ago, Amy Oestreicher asked me to participate in her #LoveMyDetour campaign. Her campaign is about embracing the different path of life that our illness has made for us. She is asking others to share how that detour came to be and how we learned to embrace it.
Some of us may not have found what our detour is yet. Or some of us may still be coping with what our detour is. Either way, I’m happy that Amy has found a way to change our conditions into a more positive way of accepting us for who we are – faulted bodies and all. Acceptance is the first step in healing, but it’s the biggest step to take.
My detour, like many others, was not an easy one to see as positive in the beginning. I first had to find out what was wrong with my body, and it was no easy task to do so. Many doctors rejected my complaints, and the road to diagnosis was a hard one. I wish those troubles on no one.
The journey to healing began a few years ago, and my life is different than what is was back then. I no longer reject my body, and I no longer try to act “normal”. I’m broken, and that’s perfectly fine with me.
Read about my troubled road to diagnosis, and how me throwing an iron led to me embracing my detour.
I #LoveMyDetour of #fibromyalgia because it's a part of me. #FibroLiving Share on X